Abai KazNPU was ranked 601-800 in the international ranking THE Impact Rankings-2022, improving its last year`s result up 200 points from the previous year and becoming the undisputed leader among national universities.
Overall, 1406 universities from 106 countries and regions participated in the ranking, including 10 universities from RK. As previously stated, Abai KazNPU is noted as No.1 in the Kazakh academic section. It is followed by two universities of KazNU named after al-Farabi and Narxoz University, which took the positions 801-1000. An intriguing fact is that the remaining 7 universities of our country are all ranked in the 1000+ position.
In the Impact Rankings-2022, universities are ranked by their involvement in achieving the United Nations` Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim to improve prosperity and protect the planet. Abai University, by participating in this ranking, demonstrates its commitment to achieving the SDGs and integrates its activities with these goals. In its methodology, the rating for assessing the impact of universities on the SDG process uses carefully calibrated indicators to provide a comprehensive and balanced comparison across four broad areas: research, stewardship, outreach, and teaching:
SDG 1: No poverty
Rank - 401-600 (out of 769 institutions)
According to the analysis, the highest value for the indicator "Community anti-poverty programmes" is 79.2%. The lowest indicator is the " Proportion of students receiving financial aid to attend university because of poverty" - 11.1%.
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Rank: 301-400 (out of 553 institutions)
The indicator " Proportion of graduates in agriculture and aquaculture including sustainability aspects" is estimated to be 100%. Simultaneously, the "Research on hunger" indicator gained 5.8%.
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
Rank: 801-1000 (out of 1101 institutions)
The indicator " Collaborations and health services" has a fairly good result of 70.5%. "Research on health and well-being" was at 33.8%.
SDG 4: Quality Education
Rank: 301-400 (out of 1180 institutions)
The following indicators contributed to high educational quality indicators: "Research on early years and lifelong learning education" (74.4%), "Proportion of graduates with teaching qualification" (99.6%), and "Lifelong learning measures" (68.8%)
SDG 5: Gender Equality
Rank: 201-300 (out of 938 institutions)
According to the analysis, the proportion of senior female academics is 99.4%, and the proportion of women receiving degrees is 97.1%, resulting in a 52.7% average increase in indicators for progress measures. The indicators of the research on gender equality and the student access measures were determined at slightly lower than average levels: 41.3% and 45.2%, respectively. It is worth noting, however, the relatively low proportion of first-generation female students (14.4%).
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Rank: 401-600 (out of 634 institutions)
According to the SDG 6 indicators, one can notice a relatively moderate level of water consumption per person at 58.4%. At the same time, indicators for water reuse, and water usage and care remain below average at 41.6% and 33.3%, respectively. The share of scientific research on water is 19.5%.
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Rank: 601+ (out of 705 institutions)
Indicators for "green" energy are on average at a level of 33%. The weak link is that the extremely low level of research in the field of clean energy is 1.1%, which may be taken into account when choosing and implementing future studies.
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Rank: 401-600 (out of 849 institutions)
Given the university`s pedagogical focus, traditionally high rates in the fields of employment and work. Thus, proportion of students taking work placements is 97.3 %, while proportion of employees on secure contracts is 59.4%. The exceptions are indicators for research on economic growth and employment (22.3%) and expenditure per employee (1.8%).
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Rank: 601+ (out of 785 institutions)
SDG 9 has a rather low dynamic: research income from industry and commerce is at 41.6%, University spin offs at 19.4%, on industry, innovation and infrastructure is at 11.0%, and there are no patents citing university research.
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
Rank: 401-600 (out of 796 institutions)
As part of reducing inequality, a positive indicator for students from developing countries is 81.9%. The proportion of students with disabilities shows a level of above average at 66.6%, measures against discrimination are at a slightly below average level at 42.1%, research on reduced inequalities is at 27.5%, the proportion of employees with disabilities are 13.6%, and first-generation students are 14.2%.
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Rank: 401-600 (out of 783 institutions)
According to the indicator "Expenditure on arts and heritage", a high level of spending on arts and heritage can be noted at 99.4%, as well as average levels for supporting arts and heritage and sustainable practices at 50% and 48.1%, respectively. However, the research rate on sustainable cities and communities in general is low at 14.0%.
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
Rank: 301-400 (out of 604 institutions)
According to the indicator "Publication of sustainability report" the university scored 100%. In addition, the university`s efforts on proportion of recycled waste were positively assessed by 71.4%. Researches on responsible consumption and production have shown a level of 4.5%.
SDG 13: Climate Action
Rank: 401-600 (out of 674 institutions)
The university`s efforts to contribute to the global fight against climate change are estimated at an average of 37.43%. Unfortunately, the level of researches on climate action is only 1.2%.
SDG 14: Life Below Water
Rank: 201-300 (out of 452 institutions)
In terms of the state of aquatic ecosystems, two indicators should be noted: " Water sensitive waste disposal" and " Supporting aquatic ecosystems through education" which accounted for 44.4 %.
SDG 15: Life On Land
Rank: 301-400 (out of 521 institutions)
Slightly above average is the "Land sensitive waste disposal" of 54.2%. The indicators "Supporting land ecosystems through action" (43.3%) and " Supporting land ecosystems through education" (36.6%) were determined at a level slightly below the average.
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Rank: 401-600 (out of 809 institutions)
According to this indicator, the highest value can be seen in the proportion of graduates in law and civil enforcement (94.2%), above average in university governance measures (55.1%), and slightly below average in the indicator of working with the government (47.1%). However, the indicator of researches on peace and justice is at a low level at 14.5%.
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Rank: 601-800 (out of 1438 institutions)
Attitudes towards supporting the goals show relatively even dynamics in the shares of constituent indicators: Publication of SDG reports at an above average level of 60.8%, Education for the SDGs at 55.6%, relationships to support the goals at 43.3%, and research into partnership for the goals at a level below the average of 38.9%.
Abai University`s achievements in terms of the SDGs are the result of the entire university staff`s painstaking, daily, and systematic work. The rating identified both strengths that should be preserved and enhanced, as well as weaknesses that should be addressed. In general, the rating demonstrated that the university is working hard to achieve the SDGs and is taking steps to reduce poverty and build human capital, allowing it to solve issues in education, social protection, and employment, as well as combat climate change and protect the environment.