Now the attention of the international community is riveted to the EXPO-2017 exhibition taking place in Astana. The problem of the energy of the future is of interest to all progressive mankind as the most topical one, which determines the paths of development of civilization. The exhibition is very popular among Kazakhstanis and foreign guests, it strikes the imagination of visitors with its grandeur of scale, originality of architectural solutions, courage of engineering thought reflected in the exhibits. Great interest of visitors to the pavilions of such countries as Kazakhstan, Korea, China, Germany, etc. The Kazakhstani pavilion in the form of the Nur Alem sphere (its diameter is 80 meters and the height is almost 100 meters) makes the greatest impression. In particular, it presents the exposition of the country's oldest university - the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, which has the status of a research universit Each participating country has its own Day of National Culture, according to the established calendar of holidays, when concerts are held, the achievements of these countries in science and technology are demonstrated, and government representatives speak to journalists, and give interviews. For example, on the Day of Malaysian Culture, a press conference organized with the participation of the minister, ambassador and other high-ranking officials of this countr
The staff of our university takes an active part in the work of EXPO-2017. Within the framework of this world forum, a competition held with the participation of students and undergraduates of the Sorbonne Institute at KazNPU named after. Abai. Sorbonne Paris City University held a competition of innovative francophone youth projects "Energy of the Future" in the French Pavilion of EXPO-2017. The participants of the competition came up with the following projects: - "Popularization of the idea of ecological urban transport" (first-year undergraduates Zhansaya Abenova and Aiman Kodar, supervisors - Zh. K. Simtikov and L. V. Turarbekova); – “Green technologies: production of water from air” (second-year undergraduates Assel Baysengirova and Nursultan Kasym, supervisor – V.S. Lysenko); – “The emergence and development of the city of Tekeli as an “eco-city” (first-year undergraduates Ulpan Dzhelbuldina and Anna Ivanova, supervisors - K. D. Kaimuldinova, L. V. Turarbekova).
Competition jury members: Renaud du Tertre – PhD, Professor at the Sorbonne University Paris-City; Severin Van Gastel - Attaché for University Cooperation of the Consulate General of France in Almaty; Marie-Anne Serves - Co-Director of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute - Sorbonne Paris-City University, Consulate General of France in Almaty; L. V. Turarbekova - Deputy Director of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences; representatives of Veolia Eau - France; Olivier Chazal - Representative of ADEME (Agency for Environment and Energy); representatives of the French pavilion of the exhibition "Astana EXPO-2017". The main prize of the competition is two free air tickets Astana - Paris - Astana provided by Air Astana. The Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute finances the participants of the competition. Head of the laboratory of innovations and nanotechnologies KazNPU named after Abai Victor Stepanovich Lysenko made a presentation at the World Congress of Engineers and Scientists "Future Energy: Innovative Scenarios and Methods for Their Implementation" WSEC-2017 "Integrated Technologies for Hydraulic and Wind Power Plants", held as part of the EXPO-2017 business program. “In the context of the energy of the future, Kazakhstan, having rich reserves of traditional energy sources, is also relying on alternative energy sources. Declaring the topic “Energy of the Future”, we expect to be at the very core of scientific progress,” said President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
At the WSEC-2017 World Congress, more than 1,000 prominent scientists and engineers, including Nobel Prize and Global Energy Prize winners, as well as representatives of business, government agencies, international organizations, national companies and scientific and engineering associations from 51 countries of the world. The World Congress has become a global platform where its participants discussed the most important achievements and trends emerging in modern energy, ways and methods of solving global energy problems, analyzed and proposed new measures to intensify efforts aimed at achieving the goals of developing new energy in four basic areas: - Prospects and scenarios for the development of world energy until 2050. – Balancing the energy trilemma: security, affordability and environmental sustainabilit - Development of energy resources: global trends, competitiveness, innovation and prospects for use in Kazakhstan. – Scientific staffing. Our university presented a stand in the pavilion "Kazakhstan", which arouses great interest among the visitors of the exhibition with its original scientific developments in the field of energy of the future. EXPO-2017 also presents the work of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of KazNPU named after Abai Vladimir Nikolaevich Kosov, who, together with other Kazakh scientists, discovered the effect of priority separation of the components of a hydrocarbon mixture. The use of this effect in technological schemes for the purification of natural gases from harmful environmentally hazardous impurities implemented on a pilot device. The mixture separated and the process gas supplied through the transport lines. Process gas selected in such a way that its density and diffusion mobility take intermediate values in comparison with the components of the hydrocarbon mixture. Conditions formed in the channel for the selective transfer of the heaviest in density and environmentally hazardous component of the mixture, which enters the lower gas pipeline, mixes with the process gas and then removed through special lines for further disposal. The value of the gas separated in this way is 40–50 percent of the initial composition. Separation efficiency can be greatly improved by applying a multiplicative approach associated with an increase in the number of channels or separators. In this case, the separation factor is 90 percent. According to the head of the scientific consortium, Professor V. N. Kosov, the production tests carried out on model devices have shown that the separation factors for heavy hydrocarbon components of greenhouse gases are comparable to the results obtained on traditional separation devices. However, the proposed approach has a number of competitive advantages associated with high productivity, continuity of the separation and control process, technological simplicity of manufacturing separating devices, long service life, low cost, and the possibility of combining with other technological modes. The use of the developed devices created by our colleagues will significantly reduce the complexity of the cleaning process; increase its environmental safety of gas mixtures. It should be noted that there are many similar projects by scientists of our university presented at EXPO-2017. The oldest university in the country - KazNPU named after Abai, as a research university, takes an active part in the work of EXPO-2017, confidently demonstrates its scientific potential in the use of green energy of the future.
04.09.2017 Mereke Uyukbayeva, Doctor of Philology, Professor of KazNPU named after Abai.