On February 14, 2023, a career guidance meeting was organizedat the Institute of Natural Science and Geography withgraduating students of private boarding lyceum No. 1, located inTalgar. Most of the students who came to this event chosespecialized subjects in the natural sciences. The goal is tofamiliarize yourself with the educational process of the entireuniversity and the institute separately. During the meeting, theyoung guests got acquainted with the teaching staff and listenedto a speech aimed at students acquiring the necessary amount ofknowledge about the socio-economic and pedagogicalcharacteristics of professions that ensure a scientifically basedchoice of profession. We got acquainted with the newlyequipped office of the geographical information system (GIS) ofthe institute and the educational laboratories of the departmentsof chemistry and biology, as well as with the research work ofstudents. At the end of the meeting, a tour of the Abai Museum was held. The students expressed their gratitude to theorganizers.