Exactly a month and a half has passed since the international exhibition "Astana EXPO-2017".
Today, thousands of foreign guests from all over the world and compatriots come to the international exhibition, and their number is growing every da
On July 25, 2017, the staff of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai sent to EXPO-2017, with the direct support of the rector of our university, Professor Takir Balykbaev. All expenses paid by the universit
Among those who received a ticket to the EXPO-2017 exhibition were the faculty and staff who distinguished themselves by many years of work at the university, as well as student activists. More precisely, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Kulyash Orazbekova, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor Murat Sembinov, holder of the title "Best University Teacher-2014", Doctor of Geography Bahadurkhan Abdimanapov, Head of the Department of International Relations, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Zhomart Simtikov, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and methodology of primary education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Aziya Zhumabayeva and others.
Colleagues from the Eurasian National Universit L.N. Gumilyov warmly received by the staff of our university and placed in the Student House.
The next day, a group of activists began their visit from the Nur-Alem international sphere, where the National Pavilion of Kazakhstan is located. Along with the traditions, culture, history of the country, the best projects of "Creative Energy" presented, which made a huge impression on the team of KazNPU named after Abai.
Further, the university staff was acquainted with innovative projects on "green" technologies offered by such countries as South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Germany, France.
The team expressed sincere gratitude for such an educational trip, where they were spiritually enriched.
As the saying goes, “the good will always find a continuation” and in August another group of university activists will go to the international exhibition.
It should be noted that the scientific and pedagogical community and the active youth of our university contribute to the organization of the EXPO exhibition. In particular, the placement of the project "Device for the extraction of hydrocarbon gas" by the Research Institute of Theoretical and Practical Physics of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after. Abai in the National Pavilion contributed to raising the status of the University and attracted the attention of the world scientific communit This project isaimed at reducing environmental risks in the transportation, processing and use of hydrocarbon gas mixtures. Project leader - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.N. Kosiv. In addition, 20 students of our university are volunteers of the exhibition.
As part of the competition of youth francophone projects organized by the Sorbonne Paris City University in the French pavilion at the International Exhibition Astana 2017 "Energy of the Future", undergraduates in the specialty "International Relations" and "Management" of the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute presented their scientific works on topics such as " Promoting the ideas of ecological urban transport”, “Green technology: water and air production”, “Creation and development of the city of Tekeli as an eco-city” . This event gave impetus to new beginnings in the field of scientific research.
This historic event will further strengthen the authority of Kazakhstan on the world stage and is a great project that emphasizes the greatness of the country, the strength of our state, the dignity of our nation!